Learn About the Louisiana Medical Marijuana Program
Whether you are a patient or you are someone exploring alternative avenues for holistic care, we are here to guide you through the ins and outs of the Louisiana Medical Marijuana Program. Our series of questions and answers is designed to shed light on regulatory intricacies, distribution processes, and quality assurance measures.
What is the Louisiana Medical Marijuana Program?
Established in 2015 through the passage of Senate Bill 143 (Act No. 261), the Louisiana Medical Marijuana Program stands as a testament to the state’s commitment to providing legal and secure access to medical marijuana for residents grappling with specific debilitating medical conditions. Initially, the program’s administration involved collaboration among the Louisiana Board of Pharmacy, the state’s Board of Medical Examiners, and the Department of Agriculture and Forestry. However, as of 2022, the regulatory reins for the Louisiana Medical Marijuana Program have been consolidated under the purview of the state’s Department of Health (LDH).
Unlike some other programs, the Louisiana Medical Marijuana Program operates without a medical marijuana card system. Rather, individuals qualifying for medical cannabis only need recommendations from physicians to procure products from therapeutic pharmacies licensed by the state. Notably, there are no provisions for caregivers assisting adult patients within the program. Nevertheless, parents and legal guardians of minor patients are empowered to serve as caregivers in their medical cannabis journey.
Who regulates the Louisiana Medical Marijuana Program?
As of August 1, 2022, The Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) has assumed regulatory authority over the program. LDH personnel conduct inspections of medical marijuana production facilities and review test results to ensure compliance with regulations.
To learn about the latest regulations, you can visit The Louisiana Department of Health’s website.
What role do licensed pharmacies/dispensaries play in the program?
Licensed pharmacies/dispensaries serve as the endpoint for medical marijuana distribution. Patients with valid recommendations from board-certified Louisiana physicians can purchase medical marijuana from these dispensaries.
Who Qualifies for Medical Marijuana in Louisiana?
To qualify for medical marijuana in Louisiana, you must fulfill these requirements:
1) You must be a resident of Louisiana.
2) You must be at least 18 years old to qualify for medical marijuana as an adult.
3) You must get a medical marijuana recommendation from a doctor licensed by and in good standing with the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners
If you meet the first two requirements but still haven’t got your medical marijuana recommendation, please refer to our list of recommended physicians and request an appointment. Physicians can now recommend medical marijuana for any medical condition that they consider debilitating to their patients.